East Midlands Education Trust

Trust Governance

The Full Trust Board meet six times per academic year. In addition, there are specific trustees' committees who deal with matters relating to Finance & Estates, Audit & Risk, Standards & Inclusion and HR.

Schools in the trust have their own local governing body, accountable to the Trustees, whilst retaining a considerable amount of delegated authority to make decisions affecting the day to day running of the school.

Attendance records of governors at local governing body meetings and their terms of office can all be found on individual school websites from the Homepage. 

Members are the signatories to the trust Articles. They also appoint Trustees and can remove Trustees in specific circumstances. 

Trustees (Directors) determine the vision, values, strategic direction of the Trust. They also define a Scheme of Delegation and appoint trustees to sit on each committee and local governing bodies.  The Trust Board determines the remit and membership of the committees. 

Local Governing Bodies must comply with the Trust's Scheme of Delegation. They are committees of the Trust Board and have no legal recognition, but they play a full and formal part of the Trust's governance structure. There is also governor representative on some of the trustees' committees.




Trustees and committee membership:

Mr Patrick Terence Booth (Vice Chair)

(Executive Pay & HR committee)

Re-appointed 4 July 2024

(term ends 3/7/2028)

Mr Brian Andrew Carr

(Finance & Estates / Standards & Inclusion committees)

Re-appointed 1 Sept 2023

(term ends 31/8/2027)

Dr John Frederick Collins

(Finance & Estates committee)

Re-appointed 1 Sept 2022

(term ends 31/8/26)

Dr Andrew Michael Hindmarsh (Chair)

(Strategic Development and Executive Pay committee)

Re-appointed 1 Sept 2022

(term ends 31/8/2026)

Mr Robert McDonough

(Chief Executive)

Mr Paul John Winter

(Audit & Risk committee Chair)

Re-appointed 1 Sept 2023

(term ends 31/8/2027)

Ms Sophie Tinley

(Audit & Risk committee)

Appointed 7 June 2021

(term ends 6/6/2025)

Mrs Ann Witheford

(Standards & Inclusion committee Chair)

Appointed 4 Oct 2021

(term ends 3/10/2025)

Mrs Mary Robson

(HR committee)

Appointed 8 February 2022

(term ends 7/2/2026)

Local Governors on Trust Committees:


Mr Andrew Hoggard

(Finance and Estates committee)

Re-appointed for 1 Sept 2024

(subject to annual review by the trust board)

Mrs Elizabeth Watson

(Standards & Inclusion committee)

Re-appointed for 1 Sept 2024

(subject to annual review by the trust board)

Mr Simon Martin

(Audit & Risk committee)

Re-appointed for 1 Sept 2024

(subject to annual review by the trust board)


Dr Sally Gornall (Hancock)

re-appointed 7 Jan 2023

Mr Colin Campbell

re-appointed 12 July 2024

Mr Philip Harding

re-appointed 7 Jan 2023

Mr Nicholas Johnson

appointed 14 Dec 2023

Mrs Ann Witheford

appointed 12 July 2024 


Former trustees/members within the last 12 months:

Mr Neil Clifton (Trustee) Resigned 31 July 2024
Ms Allison Fitchett (Member)  Term end Dec 2023